
About us

Who are we ?

Discover InNov'

Use the present, shaking up the future.

In the world of the web, InNov' draws on current technologies and methods to provide you with contemporary, cutting-edge web solutions. But where we really excel is in our ability to anticipate future trends.

We are committed to simplifying the complexity of the digital world for you, by transforming concrete ideas into intuitive, clean and high-quality web solutions.

With InNov', you use the best of the present while being ready to shake up the future. We make your needs a reality today, while preparing you for the innovations of tomorrow.

2024 More to come

Meet the team

Team Member



Hello !

« I have always wanted to help people easily understand today's technologies. Initially as an intern in computer maintenance, then as a developer of web solutions in the world of optics.

During this previous experience, it seemed obvious to me that I had to find my way through my own convictions : to support, simplify, and allow as many people as possible to have access to this world of computing which offers plenty of possibilities to gain performance and practicality.

Convincing with concrete answers is my priority, see you in 2024 to discover my project, which I hope will best respond to a need for digitization. »